Final evaluation - Result of 14/03/2024

This year, we did the evaluations on three different maps. Each map was used in two versions: without and with a zone of difficulty. And finally, we ran two rounds per map.

Final result

Equipe Nom et Prénom du responsable d'équipe Ecole d'appartenance Noms et Prénoms des autres membres Score évaluation Note Jury Score Final Classement
7 Girard Fabien ENSTA Paris Louis Maurin 88.2 90 89.1 1
29 Verninas Hippolyte Telecom Paris Le Gallic Emile, Vernier Noé 72.3 90 81.2 2
6 Oudotte Marc-Antoine ENSTA Paris Morand Victor, Crasson Thomas 72.8 80 76.4 3
13 Eurin Adrien ENSTA Paris Mercier Franck, Stock Thibault, Laurent Léo-Paul, Piantelli Emanuele 72.0 75 73.5 4
3 Loras Ghislain Telecom Paris Fritz Clément, Cilia Ihadadene 38.5 75 56.8 5
33 Verret Arnault Telecom Paris Personnaz Louis, Planche Victor 47.8 65 56.4 6
25 Augustin Bresset Telecom SudParis Léo Ritchie 37.7 70 53.9 7
37 Chevalier Loïc Telecom SudParis Busson Thomas 46.2 60 53.1 8
2 Ribas Otávio Ecole Polytechnique Michel-Deletie Gregoire, Tonle Coralie, Tostes Messias Pereira Gabriel, Pereira De Carvalho Gabriel 26.4 50 38.2 9
1 Bonnefoy Nicolas ISAE Supaero Duval Simon, Baali Ilias, Dejoie Alex 15.8 55 35.4 10

Details of the evaluation

The results are the average of two rounds for each map.

The runtime limit has been set to 24 min for each round, and with a step limit of 7200 steps (i.e. 4 min at 30 steps/s).


Team map 1 - without difficulty zone map 2 - without difficulty zone map 3 - without difficulty zone map 1 - no com zone carte 2 - kill zone map 3 - no gps zone evaluation score computation rate
1 28.5 16.86 8.05 16.65 11.76 13.05 15.8 env. 24Hz
2 40.8 34.83 23.68 43.22 9.9 5.74 26.4 env. 21Hz
3 53.26 45.76 21.27 63.53 26 21.25 38.5 env. 21Hz
6 83.27 76.63 68.69 79.67 66.52 62.3 72.8 env. 10Hz
7 94.84 93.41 82.32 90.25 87.31 81.02 88.2 env. 10Hz
13 87.71 86.84 74.38 88.8 50.77 43.34 72.0 env. 15Hz
25 33.02 57.75 35.96 56.14 27.52 15.96 37.7 env. 23Hz
29 76.25 89.49 89.66 64.39 43.97 70.32 72.3 env. 8Hz
33 62.94 69.66 31.38 56.86 28.91 37.27 47.8 env. 15Hz
37 64.3 56.61 40.81 70.31 20.19 25.12 46.2 env. 13Hz

Detailed scores

Map 1


Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
1 map_01_none 22 77 0 26 28.50
2 map_01_none 38 92 0 4 40.80
3 map_01_none 59 88 0 40 53.26
6 map_01_none 100 99 17 72 83.27
7 map_01_none 100 100 74 63 94.84
13 map_01_none 100 100 39 42 87.71
25 map_01_none 34 62 0 10 33.02
29 map_01_none 94 100 0 48 76.25
33 map_01_none 72 99 0 79 62.94
37 map_01_none 75 96 0 16 64.30

Map 1 + No Com Zone


Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
1 map_01_no_com_zone 0 83 0 42 16.65
2 map_01_no_com_zone 44 85 0 0 43.22
3 map_01_no_com_zone 75 93 0 46 63.53
6 map_01_no_com_zone 97 100 8 70 79.67
7 map_01_no_com_zone 100 100 51 32 90.25
13 map_01_no_com_zone 100 100 44 37 88.80
25 map_01_no_com_zone 62 93 0 4 56.14
29 map_01_no_com_zone 75 97 0 52 64.39
33 map_01_no_com_zone 62 97 0 80 56.86
37 map_01_no_com_zone 84 98 0 15 70.31

Map 2


Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
1 map_02_none 6 66 0 16 16.86
2 map_02_none 34 71 0 4 34.83
3 map_02_none 50 79 0 44 45.76
6 map_02_none 94 100 2 73 76.63
7 map_02_none 100 100 67 41 93.41
13 map_02_none 100 100 34 48 86.84
25 map_02_none 69 82 0 5 57.75
29 map_02_none 100 100 47 50 89.49
33 map_02_none 84 95 0 71 69.66
37 map_02_none 66 86 0 8 56.61

Map 2 + Kill Zone


Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
1 map_02_kill_zone 6 40 0 31 11.76
2 map_02_kill_zone 6 31 0 0 9.90
3 map_02_kill_zone 28 46 0 62 26.00
6 map_02_kill_zone 78 98 0 84 66.52
7 map_02_kill_zone 100 100 36 60 87.31
13 map_02_kill_zone 53 94 0 52 50.77
25 map_02_kill_zone 28 53 0 21 27.52
29 map_02_kill_zone 50 70 0 74 43.97
33 map_02_kill_zone 28 60 0 79 28.91
37 map_02_kill_zone 22 35 0 37 20.19

Map 3


Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
1 map_03_none 3 31 0 26 8.05
2 map_03_none 22 53 0 0 23.68
3 map_03_none 19 50 0 38 21.27
6 map_03_none 81 100 0 38 68.69
7 map_03_none 94 100 30 58 82.32
13 map_03_none 91 100 0 33 74.38
25 map_03_none 38 67 0 4 35.96
29 map_03_none 100 100 48 35 89.66
33 map_03_none 31 63 0 78 31.38
37 map_03_none 44 73 0 3 40.81

Map 3 + No GPS Zone


Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
1 map_03_no_gps_zone 3 56 0 20 13.05
2 map_03_no_gps_zone 0 29 0 0 5.74
3 map_03_no_gps_zone 19 50 0 46 21.25
6 map_03_no_gps_zone 72 96 0 26 62.30
7 map_03_no_gps_zone 94 100 24 26 81.02
13 map_03_no_gps_zone 44 85 0 16 43.34
25 map_03_no_gps_zone 3 70 0 19 15.96
29 map_03_no_gps_zone 84 98 0 45 70.32
33 map_03_no_gps_zone 34 83 0 49 37.27
37 map_03_no_gps_zone 19 69 0 0 25.12

Intermediate Evaluation 2

Result of 30/01/2024

The results are the average of three rounds for each map.

The score is calculated as follows:

Final score = 60% * rescued percent + 20% * exploration + 20% * rescuing speed

with “rescuing speed” score > 0 only if “rescued percent” = 100% and “exploration” = 100%

The runtime limit has been set to 5min (300s) max of processing time and 3000 steps max (1min40s at 30 step/s) for each round.

For the map without difficult zone:


Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
1 none 16 100 0 58.4 29.21
2 none 37 83 0 56.8 38.78
3 none 100 100 58 81 91.59
7 none 100 100 64 91.2 92.75
13 none 98 100 12 77.6 80.97
16 none 0 0 0 0 0
17 none 94 100 12 23 78.91
18 none 80 100 0 93.2 67.86
19 none 0 100 0 54.6 20.00
29 none 93 100 0 5.8 75.71
33 none 100 100 58 85.4 91.68
37 none 100 100 52 49.2 90.50

For the map with “No Communication” zone.


When the program has crashed due to mismanagement of the “no communication” zone, the score is 0.

Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
1 no_com_zone 26 100 0 54.8 35.71
2 no_com_zone 37 97 0 50.8 41.47
3 no_com_zone 96 100 43 75.8 86.41
7 no_com_zone 100 100 67 90.2 93.35
13 no_com_zone 100 100 39 73.2 87.81
16 no_com_zone 0 0 0 0 0
17 no_com_zone 86 99 10 17.6 73.28
18 no_com_zone 87 100 0 91.8 72.14
19 no_com_zone 0 100 0 52.6 20.00
29 no_com_zone 0 0 0 0 0
33 no_com_zone 100 100 62 86.6 92.40
37 no_com_zone 100 100 49 48.6 89.87

For the map with “Kill Zone”.


When the program has crashed due to mismanagement of the “kill zone”, the score is 0.

Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
1 kill_zone 0 0 0 0 0
2 kill_zone 0 0 0 0 0
3 kill_zone 69 99 0 89.8 61.26
7 kill_zone 100 100 48 97.4 89.55
13 kill_zone 62 92 0 88.6 55.49
16 kill_zone 42 77 0 92.6 40.33
17 kill_zone 0 0 0 0 0
18 kill_zone 0 0 0 0 0
19 kill_zone 0 0 0 0 0
29 kill_zone 45 96 0 80.2 46.42
33 kill_zone 86 97 16 87.8 74.02
37 kill_zone 65 93 0 88.4 57.80

Intermediate evaluation 1

Result for 05/12/2023

The results are the average of three rounds for each map.

The score is calculated as follows:

Final score = 60% * rescued percent + 20% * exploration + 20% * rescuing speed

with “rescuing speed” score > 0 only if “rescued percent” = 100% and “exploration” = 100%

The runtime limit has been set to 4min30s (270s) max of processing time and 2700 steps max (1min30s at 30 step/s) for each round.

For the map without difficult zone:


Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
2 none 33 100 18 74 43.56
3 none 100 90 0 100 78.03
5 none 33 98 0 77 39.65
6 none 0 95 0 100 18.98
7 none 100 100 54 100 90.71
10 none 33 82 0 100 36.51
13 none 0 90 0 80 17.95
16 none 100 100 76 87 95.11
17 none 100 100 64 46 92.85
18 none 0 79 0 27 15.80
21 none 0 94 0 76 18.74
22 none 0 72 0 97 14.49
23 none 100 84 0 39 76.75
25 none 0 100 0 96 19.99
29 none 100 100 75 96 95.00
33 none 100 100 82 81 96.39
35 none 0 88 0 99 17.60
36 none 100 100 72 91 94.34
41 none 33 100 1 79 40.13

For the map with “no GPS” zone.


When the program has crashed due to mismanagement of the “no gps” zone, the score is 0.

Team Configuration Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Drones Health/100 Final Score
2 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0 0
3 no_gps_zone 67 88 14 80 60.35
5 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0 0
6 no_gps_zone 0 88 0 100 17.67
7 no_gps_zone 100 100 79 99 95.74
10 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0 0
13 no_gps_zone 0 81 0 37 16.19
16 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0 0
17 no_gps_zone 100 95 43 39 87.54
18 no_gps_zone 0 63 0 16 12.57
21 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0 0
22 no_gps_zone 0 72 0 96 14.48
23 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0 0
25 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0 0
29 no_gps_zone 100 100 75 72 94.82
33 no_gps_zone 100 100 80 83 96.00
35 no_gps_zone 0 63 0 100 12.67
36 no_gps_zone 100 100 72 89 94.47
41 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0 0