Final evaluation - Result of 09/03/2023


  • No Comm Zone : yellow zone
  • No GPS zone : grey zone
  • Kill Zone : pink zone

Final result

Equipe Nom et Prénom du responsable d'équipe Ecole d'appartenance Noms et Prénoms des autres membres Score évaluation Note Jury Score Final Classement
1 DEJOIE Alex ISAE Supaero Bonnefoy Nicolas; Duval Simon; Baali Ilias 70.5 90 77.0 1
2 MAGNOUX Robinson ISAE Supaero Joyeux Alice; Fouqué Etienne; De la Asunción Mollá Salvador; Carvalho Marques Sara 60.0 80 66.7 2
9 PHAM Minh Ecole Polytechnique Khoa Do; Cong Vu; Tu Nguyen 47.4 50 48.2 5
10 POP Danut ENSTA Bretagne Decaudaveine Ermance; Jerram Florian;Hodek Jakub;Droudun Laurent 13.0 60 28.6 6
16 WAYOFF Armand ENSTA Paris Blili Mohamed; Girard Fabien; Louis Maurin 31.7 85 49.5 4
18 DEFOUR Nicolas ENSTA Bretagne Mirado Rajaomarosata 42.2 70 51.5 3

Details of the evaluation

The results are the average of two or three rounds for each map.

The runtime limit has been set to 24 min for each round, and with a step limit of 7200 steps (i.e. 4 min at 30 steps/s).


Group easy map no com zone map no gps zone map kill zone map evaluation score computation rate
1 72.4 69.8 67.9 67.8 70.5 15Hz
2 59.7 61.2 58.4 61.4 60.0 15Hz
9 47.9 44.5 45.2 50.8 47.4 23Hz
10 10.8 13.6 19.3 12.5 13.0 4.3Hz
16 25.2 50.3 28.8 35.6 31.7 4.5Hz
18 42.7 40 42.6 42.4 42.2 3Hz

Detailed scores

Group Environment Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Final Score
1 easy 78.3 87.9 0.0 72.4
2 easy 60.0 88.4 0.0 59.7
9 easy 41.7 93.9 0.0 47.9
10 easy 6.7 31 0.0 10.8
16 easy 20.0 56.2 0.0 25.2
18 easy 37.5 82.0 0.0 42.7
Group Environment Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Final Score
1 no_com_zone 75.0 86.7 0.0 69.8
2 no_com_zone 63.3 84.5 0.0 61.2
9 no_com_zone 36.7 94.4 0.0 44.5
10 no_com_zone 8.3 39 0 13.6
16 no_com_zone 46.7 88.2 0.0 50.3
18 no_com_zone 32.5 86.1 0.0 40.0
Group Environment Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Final Score
1 no_gps_zone 73.3 82.6 0.0 67.9
2 no_gps_zone 60.0 82.1 0.0 58.4
9 no_gps_zone 36.7 97.9 0.0 45.2
10 no_gps_zone 15.0 44.0 0.0 19.3
16 no_gps_zone 21.7 68.3 0.0 28.8
18 no_gps_zone 37.5 82.0 0.0 42.6
Group Environment Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Final Score
1 kill_zone 71.7 88.2 0.0 67.8
2 kill_zone 63.3 85.5 0.0 61.4
9 kill_zone 45.0 96.6 0.0 50.8
10 kill_zone 7.4 36.6 12.5
16 kill_zone 31.7 67.1 0.0 35.6
18 kill_zone 37.5 80.8 0.0 42.4

Intermediate evaluation 2

Result for 26/01/2023

The results are the average of three rounds for each map.

The calculation of the score has been slightly modified to emphasize the number of injured people rescued:

Final score = 60% * rescued percent + 10% * exploration + 30% * rescuing speed

The runtime limit has been set to 3 min for each round. It is possible that some solutions (team 18…) would have needed more time to work properly and finish the mission. Unfortunately, the scores reflect the results obtained in less than 3 min.

Group Environment Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Final Score
2 easy 99 100 47 83.33
3 easy 27 91 0 25.51
10 easy 83 98 16 64.65
16 easy 100 100 82 94.62
18 easy 80 98 0 57.62
Group Environment Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Final Score
2 no_com_zone 100 100 79 93.56
3 no_com_zone 21 99 0 22.7
10 no_com_zone 96 100 16 72.76
16 no_com_zone 100 100 82 94.48
18 no_com_zone 81 100 0 58.54
Group Environment Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Final Score
2 kill_zone 92 100 0 64.97
3 kill_zone 26 92 0 24.87
10 kill_zone 86 100 0 61.4
16 kill_zone 88 100 0 62.83
18 kill_zone 76 100 0 55.65

Intermediate evaluation 1

Result for 01/12/2022

The results are the average of three rounds for each map.

The calculation of the score has been slightly modified to emphasize the speed of the rescue of the injured person:

Final score = 20% * rescued percent + 30% * exploration + 50% * rescuing speed

The runtime limit has been set to 3 min for each round. It is possible that some solutions would have needed more time to work properly and finish the mission. Unfortunately, the scores reflect the results obtained in less than 3 min.

Group Environment Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Final Score
1 easy 100 100 84 92.24
2 easy 100 100 91 95.30
3 easy 0 100 0 29.87
4 easy 0 0 0 0
5 easy 0 0 0 0
6 easy 0 0 0 0
7 easy 100 96 92 94.90
8 easy 0 0 0 0
9 easy 100 100 63 81.58
10 easy 67 86 55 66.61
11 easy 100 100 92 96.09
12 easy 0 100 0 29.87
13 easy 0 0 0 0
14 easy 0 0 0 0
15 easy 0 0 0 0
16 easy 100 99 92 95.49
17 easy 0 0 0 0
18 easy 100 96 82 89.7
19 easy 100 100 59 79.37
20 easy 33 80 29 44.75
21 easy 0 0 0 0
22 easy 100 100 79 89.21
Group Environment Rescued Percent Exploration Score Rescuing speed Score Final Score
1 no_gps_zone 100 100 85 92.51
2 no_gps_zone 97 67 61 72.67
3 no_gps_zone 0 100 0 29.87
4 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0
5 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0
6 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0
7 no_gps_zone 0 79 0 23.67
8 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0
9 no_gps_zone 100 100 71 85.62
10 no_gps_zone 0 57 0 17.20
11 no_gps_zone 100 100 92 95.99
12 no_gps_zone 0 51 0 15.42
13 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0
14 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0
15 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0
16 no_gps_zone 100 99 92 95.77
17 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0
18 no_gps_zone 100 97 82 90.10
19 no_gps_zone 100 100 59 79.32
20 no_gps_zone 33 71 23 39.57
21 no_gps_zone 0 0 0 0
22 no_gps_zone 100 100 86 92.80